I'm twice the fun now... I have a SOUNDTRACK to my blog! LOL
Actually,,, I've been "borrowing" music all day from Aquisition to make a mix CD for our anniversary because I couldn't decide between a Chinese Bed Warmer from Gaiam or a cockring from Blowfish (KIDDING.... TOTALLY and UTTERLY KIDDING.... gotta spice things up around here seeing as how I have about 3 readers... just seeing if anyone is paying attention ;)).
Neither seemed like a good "from the heart because I love you even though your unshaven face gives me a rash" anniversary present. So I went trolling the "celebrity playlists" to see if any cool celebrities that I liked, liked any good music LOL. It turns out that quite a few dorky celebs actually like pretty cool music... (or wait- does that make ME the dork for liking the same music as the celeb dorks??? I'm confused)
I came up with a lot... a bit of which can now be heard when you visit me here at The Reluctant Mermaid. So now you have a reason to come back faithful (but few) readers!
Okay, HOW do you add music? That is so very cool!
click the link under my playlist (on the left hand side of my blog... scroll down...) you can make you own Aud!!!
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