The Reluctant Mermaid

one woman unwilling to swim in the same direction as the others


The end.

Hey there friendly lurkers, aquaintences, and just plain shy folks- did you know that two posts down is a "calling everyone out of the woodwork" giveaway? It's for one of my pottery pendants; they're not glazed yet... or fired yet for that matter... but one lucky-pants reader will win one when they are ready. Just leave a comment on this post by midnight August 1* and do yourself a favor, entertain yourself by browsing around the other posts... pretend like you didn't just come here for the free loot and tell me which post you adore, or which one made you cringe- it's okay, I can take it.

*please include your email address... unless you want me to stalk you... which to tell you the truth I'm not 100% comfortable with so please include your email address.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say how much I love the name of your blog. I adore mermaids and your banner is just lovely.