I am such a lucky gal. Last year, in an attempt to try to make all my holiday gifts by hand I had my friend Cindie teach me how to sew. I made three adorable aprons. And, as a result I fell in love with sewing. Can you guess what I got for Christmas that year?
Since then, Cindie has taught me 4 different quilt squares and I've started (but, ahem, haven't finished) a wall quilt. In June, we went to the Vermont Quilters Festival. It was the TIME of my life!
I want to back up a little and tell you a little bit about my friend Cindie. I love this woman. She has been such a supporter of my art and of my family. She really made me feel like I really could do ANYTHING creative... I mean, anything! And she and her husband Rob are just so sweet and kind. I love how funny she is and how we always, always have great conversations. And I love that she opens her sewing room doors to me and guides my ideas. (I have "color issues"... which is why it's taking me forever to finish my wall quilt... because I keep taking it apart!)
And today, I am so excited about something that just happened to me via Design Mom. Every year she hosts a Mothers Day Giveaway, and for the past few years, as a follower of her blog, I enter every giveaway. Gabrielle Blair, (Design Mom) has such delicious taste in everything. I really love to check in and see what she's got her eye on. I know that she saves all her favorite sponsors for this yearly event and so I know that when she does this giveaway- she trusts and believes in the products and companies that are so generous with their prizes. This year was no exception.
And this I won.
Big Time.
AND it's a quilt.
Oh my goodness.
I won! I won!!! And I'm so excited to tell you all about it! I can't believe my luck that it was a QUILT package that I won... and here are the details:
Campus Quilts is an amazingly unique company that turns your clothing treasures into beautiful, artful quilts. With actual quilting! (I was so impressed by that... I love that they actually quilt because that means it stays together, adds little puffy warm layers and just looks beautiful in design)
They'll send us a mailer, we'll add our family favorites and mail it back... in just a short time (really... I am serious when I say that... we'll probably get our custom made quilt in less than 6 weeks).
Since Sage was a baby, I've saved many of his special clothes... and now with Iris, I have a closet full of things I can't bear to part with. And let's not get started with Alex and his various concert, political, enviromental t-shirts. I swear, he has t-shirts dating back to 8th grade!
I don't even know where to start, so for now I'm going to keep clicking on thier Flicker Page for great ideas and I'll read over their glowing reviews feeling more and more confident that we will be receiving the greatest family gift: a quilt to reflect all of us.
Please go to their site, look around, get back to me with your own thoughts about our family quilt, put together your own quilt!
I can't wait to go through this process and see the end result... and I can't wait to snuggle with my little family under all of our memories.
THANK YOU Design Mom and a BIG THANK YOU TO Campus Quilts for their generosity.
Now... I should really think about finishing my wall quilt... "Oh CINNNNDIEEEEE... got some room next to your Bernina?"
(can't wait to hear all about this weekend! it's gonna be awesome.)
You are very fortunate to have such a woman in your life...I long for such a community of support for my art and life...I also got a sewing machine for Christmas...have yet to do much with it besides repair things and make a few blankets and pillows for my daughters' dolls...you inspire me. Take care!
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