The Reluctant Mermaid

one woman unwilling to swim in the same direction as the others


Singing my praises

Iris thanks me for yet another "mama skirt", Opera style:

" oh mother oh mother oh MO-ther... how I love this skirt!"

"I praise your skillz!... your newly found skillz!... your skillz are out-STANDING mother!"

mother... you mean the world to me... you make my heart sing... and you clothe me with superior FA-shion.... no other child my age wears such high de-SIGN!"

Take a bow Iris...

Aww... who am I kidding... she was really singing about those friggin My Little Ponies. But isn't her skirt cute? My friend Cindie gifted me with fabric by Jane A Sassaman. Yay for gifty friends!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

very cute skirt...I liked your version of her song.