So this morning I'm sitting on the couch, while the kids are eating their "wholesome" cereal and Iris looks up at me, looks at my steaming mug of coffee and throws her hands up in dismay, "Where MY toh-tee?".
For the love of creation... my child, who is not yet the ripe age of two was asking for her coffee....
So I fixed her a sippy of "coffee" (milk, with a dollop of Midnight Moo chocolate syrup) and what does she do then? She marches her little self into the bathroom, whips off her diaper and sits on her little red Bjorn potty and takes a crap.
Just like her daddy I tell you.... JUST like him....
hahaha, i wish my son would do that!
i just tagged you with a meme! enjoy!
That is just so beautiful! I actually laughed out loud!!
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