The Reluctant Mermaid

one woman unwilling to swim in the same direction as the others


The post in which I sound more important than I actually am in real life

Things happened this week that made me feel like, well- like they were happening to someone else... like they were happening to the women of most of the other blogs that I read. It was nice to step into the possible life of someone who was on The List (of people who... you know... are, Them)

So- Iris had her first official "photo shoot" with a great organic kids clothing line, Happy Green Bee where she got to wear the twirliest of swirly whirly dresses... she was a natural... she was in her element... she was so smitten with said dress that she refused to take it off and I had to pay Mucho Dineros to own the perfect twirly dress which she then refused to remove from her body for 4 days... it's now in the wash, and she's grumpy. Happy Green Bee is so fun and bright... the clothes are incredibly soft- I think that she wants to wear it day after day more for the comfort factor than the swirl factor (which is wearing off slowly after many repeated demands to "show them how it twirls"... she now collapses in faux exhaustion as if I've asked her to literally be a whirling dervish for days upon days)
I can't wait to see the photos though... I'm suppose to get a link soon and of COURSE I'll share them
Then last night I headed up to the city to the swanky Newbury Street to attend a private event for Method where I, along with several women in my company were invited to become Method Mavens to promote the idea of healthier cleaning options for your home. Method creates very affordable, botanical based cleaning products for the home and for your body. They have a really unique line of childrens products coming out very soon... the scent is light and milky- it really smells like a kid. A kid who just ate a flutternutter sandwich, (without the peanut butter anyways). The packaging is fresh and clean and even better, useful. What do I mean by that? Well... it launches in a week or so and let's just say that you won't have to scrounge around for an empty dixie cup to rinse your kids hair with in a pinch at tub time. You can join the campain for cleaner greener cleaners here
What's my new favorite product you ask?

They treated us to Great T-shirts and a Recycled Shopping Bag ( purse SCORE!) and four full sized products to take home.
Then the wonderful Alyssa Gusenoff was there mixing up her "Mocktails" based on her new book: "Margarita Mama". (available from Quirk Books. She is so smart and funny AND will be at our store in June to mix up some mama cocktails for the seaside moms in my area. Whoo! I love networking.

It's important to feel important sometimes... even though I won't get my name "out there" in this blog world or in the real life world... for one day I felt wanted, like I had an opinion, like I could make good sound choices for myself and for my children.


Mom101 said...

Feel important? I think you are important. How else would you even know about The List. I don't even know about The List. Tell me what it is! I must know!

And congrats to your daughter - what a completely exciting opportunity. Make sure to send us the end result to Cool Mom Picks so we can make her (more) famous.

jenica said...

what a cutie! i'm excited to hear more about the new line of method products. ;-D

Anonymous said...

Good morning! you must tell me more about Method. I began using their stuff when I "officially" turned "green", but now I'm reading that if the product doesn't tell you exactly how much of it is biodegradable, then it isn't that great. Don't let that be true!!!!! I can't afford the other green products. Give me some good news. (BTW, my favorite is the Naked, and the grapefruit). Have I mentioned you have the COOLEST jobs?